My Pledge
to you
I am so proud and thankful that you have chosen me to be your government representative for the Keppel community and the wonderful people who make it such an exciting and safe place to live.
I work hard to deliver my election promises to improve our lives, and pledge to listen to you and work with you to help bring fairness, equality and progress to all.
Britt’s main 2020 election promises:
- A new and expanded North Rockhampton Ambulance Station
- 8 new renal dialysis chairs at the Capricorn Coast Hospital
- More than 450 new teachers and over 100 new teacher aides will be employed in the Central Queensland Region
- Free TAFE and free apprenticeships for under 25s
- $19 million Emu Park-Rocky Road upgrades including overtaking lanes and other priority safety and capacity improvements
- $18.2 million to deliver a new cardiac hybrid theatre at Rockhampton Base Hospital
- $2 million upgrade to Rosslyn Bay Boat Harbour for better facilities for local boaties and tourists accessing the southern Great Barrier Reef
- new clubhouse, unisex dressing sheds/toilets, canteen and referee’s room for Cap Coast Brothers JRLFC at St. Brendan’s College
- 150 extra police personnel and a mobile police beat for the Central Region
- $2.3 million to upgrade Norman Road
- Hire more frontline health staff in Central Queensland including 285 nurses, 47 doctors and 47 health professionals
- eight additional frontline Labour Hire Compliance inspectors for regional Queensland
- $500,000 for increased capacity at Taranganba SS OSHC
- Essential upgrades to Yeppoon and North Rockhampton State High Schools
- $12.8 million for an expansion and refurbishment of the mental health ward at Rockhampton Base Hospital
- 15 per cent cut in irrigation water charges from state-owned irrigation schemes and a 50 per cent cut for fruit and vegetable growers
- Four additional firefighters allocated to Rockhampton region
- Made in Queensland and Manufacturing Hubs Grants
- $35.2 million to provide a purse for prize money and maintenance of tracks and facilities at country racetracks
- $150 FairPlay vouchers to cover sign on costs for kids sport
- Multi-million dollar upgrades to Emu Park, Farnborough, Keppel Sands, Mount Archer, Taranganba & Yeppoon state schools
- Emu Park Art Gallery